Monday, December 24, 2012

'tis the season

I can't believe the fact that its Christmas eve already. I can remember exactly this time around last year, and it  just makes me think about how time flies and that is not okay!

                           Christmas 2011


I can't express enough how much I love this time of the year. It's the happiest time. Everything just seems to fall into place. I LOVE how everyone is happy,loving, kind, generous, and everything else that is good. The city is all lit up, and even though i am not a big fan of Christmas music, i will still listen to some by J biebes ;) Have some bonding time with the fam, eat a lot of yummy, yummy food, play games, open presents from Santa OBVI, take cute pictures, watch Christmas movies, etc, etc. I honestly wish that this Christmas spirit never left, and was around ALLLL year long. wouldn't that be great?!! but at least we can experience this wonderful holiday once a year and i am sooo thankful for that! 

Life is great you guys!!

welllll i'm off to eat some yummmmmy food, and enjoy me some family time. 


my favorite Christmas song, from Justin Bieber :))

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