Tuesday, February 5, 2013

future husband

Lately i have been thinking a lot about the guys i've dated in the past, liked and have got to know pretty well. I obviously don't mean literally ALL of them, but mostly the ones that had a bigger impact on me. i'm trying to make this sound less creepy as possible, so bare with me!

Many of those guys caught my eyes because of some of the really good qualities that they had. Characteristics that i look for in my future husband. Unfortunately some of them had characteristics that i didn't want, and others well-sadly- just because they were cute. {big shocker...}

Well anyway, throughout the years {yes, i've been thinking about my future husband ever since i was like 14?} i've thought of how i wan't my future lover to be. i'm not talking about his physical appearance. {not that if he were to be tall, tan, green eyed and have abbs for days i would mind ;)}

so i made a list of things that i want, in my future life companion for all eternity. {boy, do i like the sound of that or what!}

I want him to,
BE: kind.
patient with me.
worthy to take me to the temple.
a RM.
HAS: to have a good sense of humor.
to be able to make me laugh, preferably everyday; i love to laugh.
     to love to make surprises and be surprised.
to peak Portuguese.
to be approved by my family.
to LOVE the gospel.
to want kinds.
to give me lots of hugs and kisses, unexpectedly ;)
to care about his education.
to care about his future.
to do 3 little things that i have made up in my mind, without knowing(it's a long story.)
to love me unconditionally.

Am i asking for much? to be honest, i don't think so. everyone has a different idea of the guy they want to fall in love with; this is mine.

Every time i think of that list i also think, "what about me? what kind of characteristics does my future husband wants his future wife, me, to have??" i can't just expect all that from 'him' and not do my part to reach 'his' expectations, am i making sense? i hope so... i'm not saying, i need to change who i am, because i know that someday i will find someone that will want me just the way i am. but it just doesn't make sense to me, to want someone amazing like that, and not try to become like it.

There's a quote that i really believe in, and it says: "we attract what we are" and my dad always tells me, "light attracts light, darkness attracts darkness"

Those two quotes are really relatable and self explanatory. with all that being said.. I really hope to someday attract someone like myself, and for that to happen, i need to become that kind of person i want to attract.

...and the best part of it all is the thought that, some of the best days of our lives haven't even happened yet! 

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