Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Lets talk {people water}

or Jef Holms.. haha.

Today I got to meet Jef with one F. {be jealous}
I'm not gonna lie, I was pretty stoked.
He's hot you guys. like really, really.

{just look at that face, mmm.}


{don't mind my awkwardness}

Anyway... Him and Cody, went over to UVU to do a presentation on, well, people water. {duh} They explained what they're all about. 
I was extremely impressed with all that they do. I knew that they went around the world, helping really poor neighborhoods in third world countries get the clean water that they need, but for some reason, it never really hit me until I saw some of their project videos. 

Their work is seriously, AMAZING. There's no other word to describe it. 
They're so passionate with what they do.

I really, really look up and admire people like Jef and Cody, and the other members of People Water, that want to make a difference in the world, and through their business, help the people in need. 

So thank you people water, for making the lives of many people a better one.

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