Thursday, February 7, 2013

Cali? please and thank you!

Someone take me to Cali.
Let's go on a road trip??
Come on, you know you want to!
Lets just be beach bums for dayzzzz.
Sounds amazing. am I right or am I right?

Honestly there's no place i'd rather be. 
If you know me, you know how much I hate the cold. I'd rather be sweating hard core than be cold. 
Warm weather is my bihhh.
I've mentioned this way too many times, but I LOVE the beach!
I feel so peaceful when i'm there.
All of my worries seem to go away, just like that
The beach is like my get away spot
Too freaking bad that I have to drive 
12hrs everytime I want to "get away"
I should probably find a place near by.. hahaha.
Darn you, Utah. 
Y U NO have beaches???

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