Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Mondays aren't so bad....

Today was seriously such a good day. Nothing extremely special or anything like that happened, but you know when everything just goes right and you're in a good mood alllll day? yeah that's what happened to me. 

I slept in till about 10ish, had some yummy cafe rio with nick for lunch, headed over to his house drank some hot chocolate and watched Bourne Legacy (such a good movie) we didn't get to finish cuz he had to go to work, so i went shopping with flo. We got to catch up. I hadn't seen her in a while. When nick got done with work we went back to his house and finished the movie. then we get a call from mike asking if we wanted to go see The Hobbit so we did. 
Waiting for Mikey poo 

I'm not a really big fan of 'Lord of the Rings' movies, but the Hobbit was actually pretty good. I may or may not have fallen asleep once or twice. You can't blame me though, that movie is ridiculously long. Anyway by the time the movie was over it was already 1:20 so we all just went home.

ohh by the way, it snowed you guys. Who would of thought right? ;)

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