Wednesday, January 2, 2013

bye bye 2012

I know i'm a little late, but HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone!!

Wow. 2012 flew by, literary!!  I remember parting on new year's eve of 2011 pumped for the new year, and its already over. 

Twenty twelve was such a good year. I grew so much as a person. I made unforgettable memories with unforgettable friends. I don't have any regrets; even though i made some mistakes that i told myself i'd never make, i learned from every single one of them. I become closer to some and distant to others, but overall i'm thankful for all the good/sad times life lessons i got to experience! and thanks for everyone that made this 2012 a year to remember. 

My Highlights of Twenty Twelve:

My adorable puppy.

First[for real]Valentine.

18th birthdayyy

Track Season

Senior Ball.


[[seminary graduation]]

Senior all nighter.

only picture i got...



 Lake trips

4th of July

snow cones

Almost dying at the mac miller concert

Lake Powell [best trip ever]

VEGAS with the girls

First day of college




... and more that i can't think of it right now nor i have pictures.

At the beginning of every year i never really think about what is going to happen and how my year is going to go, i just wait and see. but this time I've been thinking a lot about this new year, maybe because i'm actually growing up and the fact that all my close friends are leaving on their mission  gets me on this deep thinking mode.

I hope this year treats me well. It already started out good.
I will also be leaving on my mission which i can't wait!!!! It'll be such a blessing; a life changing experience. 

I'm  actually really exited to see what 2013 will bring. and whatever it is i'll make sure to make the best out of it. 

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